May 21, 2008

Ratios.. and having Compassion

Today was a good day. I was very motivated in class and made a point to really try some different things in class. We used studio Lighting and talked about Ratios and being able to control lighting. It was a lot of fun and I feel like i finally learned something that will help me in the future. Here are a few examples form today.

Baraka is amazing! I think I am going to sponsor this amazing child. Not only is he named after a mortal combat character but he is the most adorable thing ever! I can't wait to change his life and know more about him. You should sponsor a child if you.. A)Want to change a child's life, B) like learning about different parts of the world, C)have 32 bucks to donate for an incredible cause.
Check it out.

My Little Worrior

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